WooHoo! It's Spring 2010! That means a new growing season and great changes to the garden. We are in the process of raising the beds to grow vegetables and flowers in. I've taken a bunch of pictures to share as we progress towards planting time here in Southeastern Oklahoma.
The locals say you shouldn't plant until after Easter weekend. Last year, we did not have raised beds and the rain (everyday for 30 days) prevented us from planting until the end of May! That's a huge delay in production. Most of the people that did plant on time had their gardens wash away. Because of the increase in rain, most people I've talked to completely lost control of their gardens by mid-summer. The weeds were coming up faster than you could pull them. About the only thing I harvested last year was a whole lot of zucchini, a bunch of okra, and 1 pumpkin. Pretty disappointing when you consider all the work that was done!
I'm extremely excited about the raised bed gardening this year. Mel's Square Foot Gardening book completely changed my perspective on gardening. We are an extended family and have seven people to feed, so only using 20% of the space (AND not having to maintenance the other 80%!!) is a great thing.
I am not an expert gardener. I've grown various flowers, fruits, and vegetables over the years, but overall, I'm fairly new to gardening for a large family. As I learn things, I will share them with you - good or bad.