After we were done tilling, we raked and covered the main garden with tarps.

Are teenagers ever happy? Brandon wasn't thrilled with garden work.

Another neat thing that happened is that a lady on Freecycle offered free strawberry plants if we dig them. We took a nice trip to Wilburton and dug some up. We weren't counting as we we digging, so we were all shocked to learn that we brought home 105 strawberry plants! What to do with so many? Especially since I had just ordered 25 strawberry plants online two days before!
We decided to make a terraced strawberry planter, but couldn't right then because of time. So we transplanted them into containers and peat pots until we can transplant again into the planter. We all got in on the work...

It's not all work around here. Johnathan and Erin took some time to play throughout the day.

Last thing we did that weekend was plant two of the upside-down tomato plants. We still had two buckets with holes in the bottom from last year's plants. Not wanting to waste them, we planted them.
Pretty scrawny looking!
We are only doing the two upside-down planters this year. We saw the new commercial for Topsy-Turvy and we're going to try the three plants out the side this year. Pictures to come of those...
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